Audits, subpoenas and more: What's next for the Honolulu rail?
From Grassroot Institute
Virtually everyone knows there is something seriously wrong with the management of the Honolulu rail. There have been multiple distressing audits, and now even the FBI is involved, having served several subpoenas seeking information about the bungled local megaproject.
Thankfully, we now have a formal measure that calls for a forensic audit of the rail, introduced by Honolulu City Councilwoman Heidi Tsuneyoshi and approved by the full Honolulu City Council, to search for fraud, waste and abuse. But what will come of it?
Please join us for a panel discussion on Friday, May 3, sponsored by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, about what might be the best way to move forward, The guests will be Tsuneyoshi and rail critics Randall Roth, University of Hawaii professor emeritus of law, and Panos Prevedouros, chairman of the UH civil and environmental engineering department.
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