Campbell Estate heiress Abigail Kawananakoa released a video interview on Feb. 7, 2019 that was filmed on Jan. 15, 2019 at her home in Hawaii. (Video courtesy CommPac)
SA: “An 8-minute, edited interview”
KITV: "What would I do with my money? Oh I already know what I want to do with it. We'll always help the Hawaiian people. But it's so hard to know how to put it that I'm still working on it."
Denby Fawcett: Hawaiian Princess Is Very Different Now Than In 2007
2017: Kawananakoa Estate: Sex, Drugs, and Inequality
2019: Ethics: Rowena Akana Fined $23K--Trouble Began with OHA-Funded Scheme to Dig Up Kawaiahao Church Graveyard