Annual Hawaii Forecast with Asia-Pacific Outlook: Moderation Ahead as Business Cycle Matures
From UHERO, December 14, 2018
Hawaii’s economy remains on a favorable path, with record-high visitor numbers, record-low unemployment, and ongoing—if unimpressive—income gains. As expected, the economy’s rate of expansion has slowed as the business cycle has matured, and risks to the external environment have increased. But at present there are no signs of an imminent downturn. Instead, further growth at a restrained pace is the most likely outcome for the next few years at least.
This executive summary is provided as a service to the public. For a complete analysis and detailed multi-year forecasts, subscribe to UHERO’s Forecast Project.
PBN: UHERO report: Boost in visitor arrivals prep Hawaii for another record-setting year
SA: UH economists expect restrained growth