Hawaii--The web is working for Hawaii businesses. Google is helping.
News Release from Google, May, 2018
$171 million of economic activity Google helped provide for Hawaii businesses, website publishers, and nonprofits in 2017.1
$2.07 million of free advertising was provided to Hawaii nonprofits through the Google Ad Grants program in 2017.1
5,300 Hawaii businesses, website publishers, and nonprofits benefited from using Google’s advertising tools, AdWords and AdSense, in 2017.1
1. Google, “Economic Impact,”
2017 Note: The total value that U.S. Google advertisers, website publishers, and nonprofits received in 2017 is the sum of the economic impact of Google Search, AdWords, AdSense, and Ad Grants. The value of Google Search and AdWords for businesses is the profit they receive from clicks on search results and ads minus their cost of advertising, estimated as $8 profit for every $1 spent. This formulation is derived from two studies about the dynamics of online search and advertising: Hal Varian’s “Online Ad Auctions” (American Economic Review, May 2009) and Bernard Jansen and Amanda Spink’s “Investigating customer click through behavior with integrated sponsored and non-sponsored results” (International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2009). The economic impact of AdSense is the estimated amount Google paid to website publishers in 2017 for placing our ads next to their content. And the impact of Google Ad Grants is the total amount spent by grant recipients in 2017. Please note that these estimates do not allow for perfect reconciliation with Google’s GAAP-reported revenue. For more information about methodology, visit: www.google.com/economicimpact/methodology.html.
Note: We measured the total number of clicks on ads posted by U.S. advertisers in 2017 and observed that when a business puts an ad on Google, on average over 30 percent of clicks on that ad come from outside the country.
2. Google/Deloitte, “Connected Small Businesses,”
PBN: Google contributed $171M in economic activity to Hawaii in 2017, report says