Support for Middle Street Resolution
From Time Out Honolulu
By selecting "yes" below I wish to offer my support of Stopping Rail at Middle Street and urge Democratic Leadership to adopt the following Resolution at the 2018 Democratic Convention:
Whereas, The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i adopted a Resolution in 2010 supporting the construction of an economically viable, environmentally sound, and thoroughly modern rail system for O‘ahu on the basis of representations made at that time; and
Whereas, Certain of those understandings are now in doubt because of
(1) a coming revolution in transportation services sparked by developments in ride-hailing, ride-sharing, and autonomous vehicles;
(2) a belated awareness that construction-cost estimates to Ala Moana Center, already doubled since the rail vote in 2008, are still too low, by at least $5 billion;
(3) the prospect of a decade-long net loss of jobs due to in-town construction disruption;
(4) the lack of promised Transit Oriented Development (TOD) projects, the private sector’s refusal to help pay for rail, and developer demands for subsidies and other concessions on any in-town TOD project;
(5) the belated revelation of unanticipated barriers to ever extending elevated rail from Ala Moana Center to Manoa;
(6) the belated realization that rail, during its 20 hours of daily operation, will use more energy per passenger-mile than is used today by one person in a gas-combustion automobile, and that rail’s energy demands will require building a new fossil-fuel electrical generation plant; and
(7) a recent admission that HART has failed to plan for sea level rises, which could make entryways to certain rail stations inaccessible; and
Whereas, Transportation experts are now saying the bulk of rail’s value will be achieved if the route reaches Middle Street, by providing reliable ride times from the West End through major traffic choke points, and that riders will be able to transfer at Middle Street to a convenient and affordable transit option to take them to their desired destinations; and
Whereas, The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) was complicit in allowing massive cost overruns by not providing effective oversight, despite its obligations under federal law, it is therefore highly unlikely that federal funds already received would ever have to be repaid; and
Whereas, A significant portion of the financial burden of constructing rail has recently been shifted to Neighbor Island residents by increasing the Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT) through 2040, despite promises to the contrary and troubling questions of fairness; be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats urge that the rail route be terminated at Middle Street, and that elected officials change laws as may be necessary to use the saved money for other, more-pressing needs; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be distributed to the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the members of the Honolulu City Council, and the Chair of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i.
Submitted by: Maker: _Gerry Chang___________;
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TOH: Here it is! Here's the resolution that will be put forward at the Democratic Convention to stop Rail at Middle Street.