Thursday, November 23, 2017 |
Supporting Our Troops This Holiday Season
By Shirlene Ostrov @ 2:28 PM :: 4244 Views :: Military
Thanksgiving message from your Chairman
Aloha, Fellow Republicans! November 23, 2017
Today I wish all of our family and friends a holiday full of joy and gratitude. May we reflect on our many blessings as we gather with loved ones to celebrate the spirit of the season. This year , I am particularly grateful for all the hard work and support of so many of you in the Republican Party of Hawaii who tirelessly volunteer your time and treasure to build the party, unite the party, and elect more Hawaii Republicans to office.
We also pray for our brave military servicemembers, whose commitment to defending our freedom can mean spending the holidays away from home.
To show our thanks for their service and to share our support during the holiday season, the Republican Party of Hawaii has teamed up with the RNC and GOPVets to launch a National Holiday Care Package Drive. We are also proud to announce our partnership with Move America Forward — a California-based non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring our service members receive care packages throughout the year. Since 2004, Move America Forward has sent thousands of packages to our troops serving overseas. We look forward to being part of this tradition going back generations.
Between now and December 5th, we are hosting a Christmas Care Package Drive for our troops. These packages will include items like snacks, toiletries, leisure items, and other gifts. (A full list of suggested donations for care packages can be found at the bottom of this email.). Hawaii volunteers will prepare to ship these boxes to Move America Forward no later than Wednesday, December 6th to ensure delivery overseas in time for the holiday season.
As Americans and Republicans, we take pride in supporting our armed forces. This project gives us a chance to show our gratitude beyond a simple “thank you.” As a party, we have the opportunity to show leadership from the top— to help bridge the military and civilian divide and to increase our bond and engagement with a community who makes our democratic system possible.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and God Bless You all!
With aloha,
Chairman Shirlene Ostrov
Hawaii Republican Party
Proposed Items for Care Packages:
- Snacks: Beef Jerky, Oreo Cookies, Mixed Nuts, M & M's, Snickers, Skittles, Grain/Granola/Protein Bars, Chewing Gum, Sunflower Seeds
- Beverages: Gourmet Coffee, Gatorade, Hot Chocolate, Hot Apple Cider
- Household Items: Baby Wipes, Shampoo and Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Foot Cream or Powder, SPF Lip Balm, Sunscreen, Bug Repellent, Laundry Detergent, Batteries, Military Boot Socks, Instant Lunches
- Leisure items: Magazines and Books, Playing Cards, Phone Cards
- Other Resources and Gifts: Military Crisis Line/OneSource Information, Care Package Request Forms, Handwritten Thank You Cards from schoolchildren and supporters, Seasonal Items, K-9 Care Packages, including Eye-Protecting “Doggles” and KONG Classic durable dog toys.