City to hold final public workshop on Blaisdell Center Master Plan

Blaisdell Center Master Plan Aerial
News Release from City and County of Honolulu, November 6, 2017
Kaka‘ako – The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) will hold a third public workshop on Wednesday, November 8, to update the community and gather input on the Neal S. Blaisdell Center Master Plan.
The workshop begins at 6 p.m. in the Blaisdell Center Pīkake Room, 777 Ward Avenue. Light refreshments will be provided and free parking will be available that evening.
“O‘ahu’s families have been creating memories at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center since 1964, but 53 years later, the complex is in need of a major makeover to keep up with entertainment venues across the country,” said Mayor Kirk Caldwell. “By revisioning the Blaisdell Center as a place where our residents can watch great acts as well as enjoy the outdoors, we are creating an invaluable resource in the heart of urban Honolulu for the next 50 years and beyond.”
For more than two years, the city has worked with consultants, community leaders, stakeholders and site users to create a Master Plan for the 22.4-acre Blaisdell complex. The November 8 event will be the third and final public workshop on the master plan before the project moves into the design phase in early 2018.
After receiving input during the first two workshops, the master plan’s current concepts include:
- Expanding and modernizing our signature venues
- Ability to stage events in multiple venues at the same time
- Enhanced water features and fish ponds
- Outdoor public spaces for informal performances
- Sustainable design features
- Restaurants, cafes and bars
- Honor the Blaisdell as a War Memorial as originally intended
- Additional parking and improved traffic circulation
For more information, please visit, or contact Guy Kaulukukui, DES Director, at 768-5400, or
If you require special assistance, auxiliary aid and/or service to participate in this event (i.e., sign language interpreter, interpreter for language other than English, or wheelchair accessibility), please call 768-8000, or email your request to at least three business days prior to the event.
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Mayor’s statement on Neal S. Blaisdell Center Master Plan
News Release from Office of the Mayor, November 8, 2017
Honolulu – Mayor Kirk Caldwell issued the following statement today:
“Funding for the Neal S. Blaisdell Center Master Plan and construction of the rail project come from completely different sources. Any attempt to confuse the public regarding these separate funding sources does a disservice to our community.
The rail project is being funded by O‘ahu’s half-percent surcharge to the general excise tax, the $1.55 billion Full Funding Grant Agreement with the Federal Transit Administration, and a portion of the hotel room tax. On the other hand, the Blaisdell Master Plan will be funded by city-issued bonds and the possibility of public-private partnerships.
We don’t want the Blaisdell to become Hawai‘i’s next Aloha Stadium where taxpayer resources are going toward ever-increasing maintenance and upkeep costs. Just as important, Honolulu is competing with entertainment venues across the U.S. Continent and Asia, and top acts have already refused to book the Blaisdell because of the facility’s deteriorating condition.
As mayor I will continue to focus on improving O‘ahu’s infrastructure as our residents and visitors deserve nothing less.”
SA: Rail costs cast shadow over $700M Blaisdell plan
Flashback July 15, 2017: While Rail Hangs in Balance, Caldwell Plans to Splurge $500M on Blaisdell