2017’s Fastest-Growing Cities in America
From WalletHub, Oct 2, 2017
Experts might not agree on the “best” or the “right” recipe for rapid economic growth, but some cities know the key ingredients for long-term prosperity. Patterns emerge within those cities, allowing us to identify the contributing factors that perpetuate a lasting cycle of growth.
But the quick path toward success is not as cut and dried for every city. To determine where the fastest local economic growth has occurred in the U.S., WalletHub’s analysts compared 515 cities of varying population sizes based on 15 key measures of both growth and decline over a period of seven years. Their data set ranges from population growth to unemployment rate decrease to growth in regional GDP per capita….
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Editor's Note: This demonstrrates that the affordable housing shortage in Hawaii is not a demand issue, it is a supply issue. Demand is huge because of short supply, not because of population growth.
Honolulu, HI
- Score -- 36.45
- Sociodemographics – 305th
- Jobs & Economy -- 304th
- Rank – 333rd of 515 cities
- Rank 49th of 64 large cities