Not Satisfied With Merely Taking Land For Rail, Now The City Wants Blood
by Robert Thomas, InverseCondemnation, June 27, 2017
Here's the Honolulu Star-Advertiser latest story on the Honolulu rail authority's condemnation of the property of Blood Bank of Hawaii, "Blood bank sues over city push to take land for rail."
The state’s lone blood supplier is pushing back in court against the city’s efforts to acquire the land fronting its Dillingham Boulevard offices for rail.
In a countersuit filed Thursday, the Blood Bank of Hawaii accuses the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation of acting “in bad faith” and “recklessly subjecting Hawaii’s blood supply to grave but unnecessary risks.”
It further questions the benefit of taking the parcel when the city still lacks the funds to build the full 20-mile line to Ala Moana Center.
Full details here, in our Answer and Counterclaim.
PDF: Blood Bank Counterclaim