From Hawaii Republican Party, March 13, 2017
The Hawaii Republican Party is pleased to announce that the 2017 State Convention will be gaveled in at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Aqua Kauai Beach Resort on the Island of Kauai. Workshops and presentations are being developed for May 12th and will be announced in the near future.
The business of this year's Convention will include the election of State Party Officers and the adoption of Party rule changes. A nomination packet for those seeking office may be obtained by contacting the party headquarters at 808-593-8180 or via email at
UPDATE: List of Candidates for State Party Offices
The host venue is within minutes of the Lihue airport (about 2.5 miles). Reservations can be made by calling 888-805-3843 from 7 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. Please use the Group Identification of Hawaii Republican Party to receive the contracted group room rates. You may also book online at and receive the group room rates by entering the code HRP on the Home Page.
Should you have additional questions please contact the Hawaii Republican Party Executive Director as provided below. We look forward to seeing you on the Garden Isle.
See you there,
Fritz Rohlfing
Hawaii Republican Party Chair
* * * * *
Consistent with State Rule Section 404D, after the May 5 deadline for filing nomination papers, the list at this link provides all delegates and alternates the names and contact information for all nominated candidates for each state party office. The list contains each candidate's e-mail address and telephone number (if on file with the Party). Delegates and alternates are encouraged to contact the candidates to obtain more information about any candidate if they so desire.
A list of delegates and alternates is also being provided upon request to all candidates for state party leadership positions. Hard copy campaign materials that the Party receives will also be included in the bags which each delegate and alternate will receive upon check-in for the State Convention on Kauai.

Jack James
Hawaii Republican Party
Executive Director