Input sought on public schools superintendent
From UH News, February 14, 2017
The Board of Education (BOE) is launching its search for a superintendent of the Hawaiʻi Department of Education, the statewide K–12 public education system. University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner has agreed to serve as an advisor to the search and encourages input from the university.
Members of the UH community have a unique perspective on the state’s only public school system: many UH students are recent graduates who understand how public school prepared them for higher education; the faculty have many public school graduates in their classes and labs; and many faculty and staff are parents of public school students.
The BOE wants to know what all stakeholders think are the most important characteristics for a superintendent. A short survey has been prepared for stakeholders to express their opinions. The survey will be open until 8 a.m. on Monday, February 27, 2017.
For more information about the search process, visit the superintendent search site.