WEEK IN REVIEW March 26 - April 1, 2016
From Hawaii Family Advocates April 1, 2016
We've reached the Second Crossover point in the Legislative Session. At this stage, all bills amended by the Senate will be returned to the House for review, and vice versa. It is then up to the originating Chamber to examine any changes that were made to the bills and determine whether to pass them in their current form or seek additional amendments.
Florida becomes 12th State to Defund Planned Parenthood
While Hawaii Senators rally around a resolution supporting Planned Parenthood, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a law which dials back taxpayer funding to all abortion facilities in the state, including Planned Parenthood. That makes Florida the 12th state to do so. The Florida bill (HB 1411) moves funds going to Planned Parenthood to hundreds of low-cost, federally qualified community health clinics. “This is a historic victory, and we are thrilled to have been an active part of this effort,” said John Stemberger our counterpart with the Florida Family Policy Council. “The real heroes in this victory are Senator Kelli Stargel and Representative Colleen Burton, both of Lakeland. These women are to be commended for their courage and conviction, leading on this issue which voters have been concerned about for decades.” | Read More at Citizenlink |
In the meantime, while twenty states have cleared Planned Parenthood of these allegations or decided not to pursue investigations, a special House committee has been created to investigate fetal tissue research and the compelling evidence that Planned Parenthood has been profiting illegally from the sale of aborted baby parts.
HFF and HFA Sign Group Letter Requesting Funding for Abstinence Programs
A group of pro-family organizations sent a letter to federal lawmakers asking for an increase in funding for abstinence programs. Both HFF and HFA are proud to be co-signers.
Sex Trafficking Bill
HB 1902 HD2 was passed by the Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee on March 30, 2016. The bill, in its current form, renames the offense of Promoting Prostitution in the First Degree to "Sex Trafficking," classify it as a violent crime for purposes of the Crime Victim Compensation laws, and make a Sex Trafficking offender strictly liable when the person subjected to prostitution was less than eighteen years old. The changes the offense of prostitution, when committed by a person younger than eighteen years of age, is a violation; and when committed by a person who paid, agreed to pay, or offered to pay a fee to engage in sexual conduct with another person, and who recklessly disregarded the fact that the other person is a victim of sex trafficking to a class C felony. The intent of the bill is to adopt a victim-and survivor-centered approach to prosecution of these terrible crimes and bring Hawai‘i into line with the other forty-nine U.S. States that have adopted comprehensive anti-sex trafficking legislation. The votes in JDL were as follows: 6 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keith-Agaran, Shimabukuro, Gabbard, Kim, L. Thielen, Slom. The bill will now go the full Senate for a vote.
"Drugged" Driving Soon to be on Hawai'i Streets
On March 28, 2016, the House Committee on Transportation passed a resolution (HCR 97) that requests the Department of Health to conduct a study to establish a reliable scientific threshold and testing protocol for determining whether a person cannot safely operate a motor vehicle due to being under the influence of marijuana. As we testified in the medical marijuana hearings last year, we are very concerned about the safety of our communities once the dispensaries are open for business. We are on record encouraging our legislators to do everything in their power to ensure safety first. The votes in the House Committee on Transportation were as follows: (8 Ayes) Representative(s) Aquino, Ichiyama, Keohokalole, Nakashima, Takayama, Takumi, Yamashita, Tupola;and Representative(s) LoPresti, Har, Johanson, San Buenaventura were excused. The resolution was heard and DEFERRED by the House Health Committee today (April 1, 2016). Remember that a resolution is a measure expressing the will, wish, or direction of the Legislature. It does not have the effect of law.
Interesting quotes from testimony submitted for today's hearing:
"DOH opposes HCR0097 due to the high cost and resource intensive requirements for such a study. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has been studying this issue for many years and has been unable to establish a per se level for driving under the effect of marijuana." (State Department of Health)
"The DOT does not believe that setting a per se level of impairment for marijuana will adequately protect drivers or other roadway users. While the impairing effects of alcohol are well-understood, this is the result of years of research and studies" (Department of Transportation)
In the meantime, dispensaries are open for business this summer and the roads will become open testing grounds. | Read DOH State FAQ's here
North Carolina Bathroom Bill
The following is an update and urgent request from Alliance Defending Freedom in support of North Carolina Governor McCrory, who last week signed into law a very common sense piece of legislation that has become an extremely controversial transgender bathroom bill because of the outrage of homosexual activists. Our counterpart, the North Carolina Family Policy Council has been working tirelessly to get this legislation passed. Please take a moment to read the following brief statement and request.
As you know, last Wednesday evening NC Gov. McCrory signed into law a bill that ensures men cannot go into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers because these settings are limited to persons of the same biological sex. It also clarifies that the state, not local cities and municipalities, is responsible for enacting new laws regulating and impacting commerce to avoid a patchwork of confusing local employment laws that would be harmful to commerce, labor, and trade in the state. An incredible victory! Unsurprisingly, the pushback and threats from large corporations (American Airlines, Bank of America, etc.) and the NBA has been intense. It has been a significant blessing that the usually squishy Governor continues to stay strong and bold on his decision to sign this law. But he needs support and encouragement...
You can help in three ways:
1. Call Gov. McCrory's office to say MAHALO for signing a commonsense privacy bill into law: 919-814-2000
2. Tweet a thank you to him: Thanks @PatMcCroryNC for protecting safety & privacy in your state! Can’t wait to visit!
3. Send a Thank You Postcard! Believers in every state are coming together to send thank you postcards to North Carolina Governor McCrory. It's really easy to send. Just go to our national ally CitizenLink’s Action Center and fill out the form for the back of the postcard. Tell Gov. McCrory that any state that stands up for safety and privacy is a state you want to visit. We've included a sample message for convenience. CLICK HERE to send your thank you postcard
Click here for movie times for God's Not Dead 2
Guiding Through the Sex Ed Confusion
Hawaii Parent Webinar sponsored by PEACE Hawaii
April 5, 12, 19, 26 and May 39:00 - 9:55 p.m.
For more information and to register go online or call 808.358.2945
April 5, 2016 is entitled "Engage the Facts". Sensitive lesson content found in many classrooms; comprehensive Sex Education, which encourages sex ed to be taught K-12, has been approved by the Hawaii BOE.
Day of Dialogue Sponsored by Focus on the Family
April 14, 2016--Click for more information.