by Andrew Walden
How will the Nai Aupuni gang pay for a ratification vote on the so-called constitution they rammed through their so-called constitutional convention in February?
Money laundering?
One must have some money to launder.
OHA to the rescue?
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Committee on Resource Management Wednesday March 23, 2016 voted 4-2 to propose that the OHA Board of trustees authorize $124,864.00 from the “Nation-Building Line of Credit … for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission’s Operating Budget.”
The only Trustee up for election in 2016, Haunani Apoliona, recused herself and left the meeting.
(UPDATE: Kanaiolowalu funding was taken up in executive session at the OHA Board of trustees meeting April 7, 2016. See: Agenda)
Didn’t OHA cut off funding to Kana’iolowalu?
In the current, March, 2016, edition of OHA’s house organ, Ka Wai Ola, Trustee Lei Ahu Isa provides a timely reminder:
Have you ever reflected on the past scratched your head and said, ‘What was I thinking? But we all know we can’t go back in time.’ However what if we could? What if we hopped in our OHA time machine and looked into the future? This is what we see on November 7, 2013:
Yay!! OHA Trustees vote to shut down the Kana’iolowalu Native Hawaiian Roll Commission as expenses are sky high!
According to OHA only 21,418 Hawaiians signed up for the Roll as of September 27, 2013. The Commission burned through $3.3M of OHA resources and was demanding another $2.5M when the Trustees decided to pull the plug.
This is a huge victory for Native Hawaiians. Hawaiian affairs are returning to the channel created in the Hawaii Admission Act which holds that all of Hawaii is responsible for ‘the betterment of Native Hawaiians.’
From the minutes of the OHA Trustees meeting November 7, 2013:
‘Approved 7-1-1 (Machado excused, Ahuna votes ‘No’) Motion to amend, approve and authorize funding in the amount of $595,000 from OHA’s FY2014 Fiscal Reserve Authorization for the FY2014 Native Hawaiian Roll Commission Operating Budget and to include Trustee Robert Lindsey’s 10 recommendations as well as a two (2) week deadline for an exit plan and this approved amount will be the final funding for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission.’