WEEK IN REVIEW March 19-25, 2016
From Hawaii Family Forum and Hawaii Family Action
Sex Trafficking Bill Deferred Until Next Wednesday
HB 1902 HD2, the bill if passed will rename the offense of Promoting Prostitution in the First Degree to "Sex Trafficking," classify it as a violent crime for purposes of the Crime Victim Compensation laws, and make a Sex Trafficking offender strictly liable when the person subjected to prostitution was less than eighteen years old. There are some legal technicalities with the bill that are being worked out, but we do support an "adopt a victim- and survivor-centered approach" to prosecution of these heinous crimes against minors and bring Hawai‘i into line with the other forty-nine U.S. States that have adopted comprehensive anti-sex trafficking legislation. Decision making on the bill was deferred until next week.
Senate Resolution Supporting Planned Parenthood Passed by Senate Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce
On Wednesday, March 23, the Senate Committee on Consumer Protectin and Commerce passed the resolution(s) celebrating Planned Parenthood in Hawaii (SCR85/SR56). Individual testimony in oppostion was overwhelming although the organizations that testified in support were atypical, like Planned Parenthood. The following organizations testified in support: Women's Caucus Democratic Party of Hawaii, Hawaii Youth Services Network, Hawaii Nurses Association (OPEIU local 50), Hawaii Association of Professional Nurses, YWCA, AAUW, and the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women. Many faith-based women in these organizations do not agree with them and we would love to hear from those of you who do not believe they speak for you. The resolution (which has no force of law behind it but will be a public display of support by the Hawaii State Senate) will now move to the Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee. The vote in the committee was as follows: 5 Aye(s): Senator(s) Baker, Kidani, Nishihara, Ruderman; Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Espero; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Ihara, Slom.
Across the nation, Florida became the 12th state to defund Planned Parenthood from accessing state taxpayer dollars after Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.
Upcoming Events
The 2016 Hawaii Democratic caucus will be held on Saturday, March 26th, 2016. (State Election Information)
Voting is an important activity for each person, especially a Christian! Wallbuilders has provided some valuable tools to help you make an informed decision. Check out WallBuilders Election Resources (What did the Founders say about voting?), which are a great way to help others understand the importance of participating in Saturday's caucus. Be sure to share these tools with your family and friends, encouraging them to exercise their civic duty to vote! By participating, we can make a big difference in the direction of the nation! | Hawaii Information
Dinner Guest?
Who would you invite to your house for dinner if you could pick anyone in the world, living or dead? These parents were surprised to hear what their children had to say. Watch this short video and share your thoughts with us. Easter dinner is the perfect time to share your faith with your children. Time is the most expensive treasure we have.
What do you think? Join the discussion. We'd love to hear what you have to say.
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As we celebrate Easter, Hawai’i Family Advocates (HFA) ask you to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice paid by Jesus Christ. By dying on the cross only to rise from the grave three days later, Jesus freed his followers from the penalties of sin and granted them everlasting life.
HFA also asks you to reflect on other parts of the world who don’t share our religious liberties. For these persecuted believers in war-torn countries, expressions of faith can result in death or imprisonment – atrocities that should be unimaginable in the 21st Century, but remain far too common.
Although Americans often take their religious freedoms for granted, these rights are not carved in stone. They are frequently under attack from secular politicians and judges, as we repeatedly witness in Hawai’i and elsewhere.
Please be assured that HFA continues to champion our religious liberties by speaking out against misguided initiatives in the State Legislature and nationally. To stay informed and learn how you can help, please make sure to follow our email updates and newsletters and Like our HFA Facebook page. The link for our Facebook page is below this message. Also, visit our website for more information and news at www.hffaction.org.
Let's celebrate the gift of Easter with family and friends as we rejoice his glorious resurrection.
He is risen! Alleluia!