Robin Danner in DC: "I speak for Native Hawaiians"
From FreeHawaii May 14, 2015
Aloha CEO Crabbe and Trustees,
It was brought to my attention that tomorrow, May 15th, in Washington DC, Robin Danner will be presenting a Native Hawaiian Education Round table with Federal Officials and Hawaiian educators.
You have asked me in past emails, Kamana'o, to not deal with rumors and to deal with hard facts in so many words. Thus I am writing to clarify a rumor. I was told that you and some of your staff will be attending this meeting. I was told that you were not attending as an OHA official but as an educator.
If you and your staff are not attending as OHA officials, who is funding your trip to Washington DC ?
This meeting is going to deal with the DOI announcement of proposing rules for public comment that seek to clarify the process it undertakes to review land exchanges involving Hawaiian home lands and amendments to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act proposed by the State of Hawaii.
Robin Danner will be advocating federal policies that will supposedly advance the rights of our people. She claims she has been doing this for two to three years. She's been doing this way before then, she is only claiming the period she has been having problems with Jobie. I think she is doing this in efforts to divert us from remembering her Nation Building efforts with the DHHL lands.
I find it very disturbing that without informing the small "n" Hawaiians or the big "N" Hawaiians, Robin Danner and others have taken upon themselves to be our VOICE, without our prior informed consent.
We the beneficiaries of both the DHHL Lands and Ceded Lands Trust which are both covered in HHA of 1920 should receive a report on this meeting and any other meeting that discusses that which is ours by Congressional action and by laws that were passed to protect our rights to the 'aina.
As there is NO TRANSPARENCY, in that these so called meeting have not been publicly announced, nor community meetings were held with BENEFICIARIES of the DHHL lands and Ceded Land Trust, and that we are not given any kind of report of what took place at prior held meetings that Ms. Danner had held with DOI, I am left to speculate that things are being done without our BEST INTERESTS as PRIORITY. FACT or FICTION? Please respond.
He Hawaii Au Mau a Mau,
Melissa L. Moniz
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Danner/Schatz Influence On DOI Revealed
(Posted on May 15, 2015)
Aloha Melissa,
The fact is that I came to DC to attend the white house initiative for Asian Americans Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders in addition to other business related to OHA programs.
I will not be attending the roundtable discussion on Native Hawaiian education b/c I will be returning home in the morning. I am not aware any OHA sraff will be in attendance but if any would they would be from our DC bureau for purely understanding the issue & monitoring what DOI will do. OHA had no input in the organization of the roundtable & the subject matter although it was a matter we have worked on for the past 3 yrs..
I do not believe that it will discuss the rule making b/c the purpose of the roundtable was to share Native Hawaiian efforts re a waiver for NH language students related to testing. However I could be wrong since I was not informed by anyone while up here what was going to take place at the roundtable discussion.
I know Robin put out a press release re the roundtable yesterday but I do not know what will be discussed. I am also aware that other sources have confirmed that Robin worked w/Sen Schatz to influence DOI to release the administrative rules.
Our Public Policy staff will be analyzing the rules & implications for DHHL homesteaders. I am not aware of any strategy or plan by Robin to influence DOI re federal recognition.
I actually agree w/your concern that individuals are representing themselves on behalf of the big NH & the small nhs w/out any real authority. I spoke w/DHHL Director Jobie Masagatani on the matter. There will be a 60 day period to suit comments but I do not have that info on hand. We likely will put out a release on how & who to submit your comments to.
O wau iho no,
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by Melissa Moniz, FreeHawaii, May 16, 2015
Educate yourself.
The US Department of Interior (DOI) is seeking comments on proposed US federal rules that seek to clarify how we review LAND EXCHANGES involving Hawaiian home lands and AMENDMENTS to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act proposed by the State of Hawai`i.
Robin DANNER/CNHA/SCHAA have been working with DOI for three years on these proposed US federal rules without our informed consent. In other words, she has been REPRESENTING and SPEAKING on our behalf at the DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR without our knowledge or permission.
DANNERS dealings with ALASKA, questionable dealings with Anthony BAUBATA, quest for lands for RENEWABLE ENERGY projects and her position on the ROLL COMMISSION/ KANAIOLOWALU are all red flags.
Her recent quest to be the CONSORTIUM consisting of CNHA/SCHAA/AHHC, to receive the monies for the CONCON, 2.8 Million, should raise red flags.
Were you aware of these meetings?
Did your give ROBIN DANNER permission to speak for you and your generations to come at these meetings?
Have you ever received any minutes of these meetings , stating when, where, what was discussed, what decisions were made?
COMMENTS could be made on the DOI link by the State of Hawai`i, Hawaiians and the public since May 12, 2015.
NOTE that it also states they also are accepting comments prior to that date. HUH?
WHO had the privilege to submit comments before the beneficiaries of the DHHL and Ceded Lands?
Up to you if you are going to allow the DANNERS/ CNHA/SCHAA represent and speak for you and your generations to come.
You have till July 7th to say. NO! here -!documentDetail;D=DOI-2014-0002-0005
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RELATED: Draft DoI Rules Create Path for Fake Indian Tribe to Take Over DHHL