RELATED: FULL TEXT: Abercrombie's secret rewritten Akaka Bill
Zogby International poll confirms majority opposition to race-based government
December 15, 2009--A new poll of registered Hawaii voters, conducted by Zogby International, has found that a majority of those surveyed oppose the Akaka Bill, while 76 percent oppose higher taxes to pay for the nation-tribe proposed in the bill. The poll was sponsored by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii and conducted from November 18 to 23, 2009.
For the poll, Zogby International surveyed more than 500 registered voters in Hawaii. The results reveal strong opposition to the establishment of a separate nation inside of Hawaii for native Hawaiians. Highlights include:
o 76% oppose higher taxes to pay for such a nation-tribe.
o 48% oppose separate laws and regulations for a new native government.
o 7% favor that.
o 44% do not know or are not sure.
o 60% say the ceded lands are for all of the people of Hawaii.
o 21% say they should be for native Hawaiians only.
o 19% are not sure.
o 40% say the bill is racially discriminatory.
o 28% say it is fair.
o 32% are not sure.
o 60% of those with an opinion oppose the bill.
o Overall, 51% oppose the bill, 34% support it and 15% are not sure.
o 58% say yes for a vote in Hawaii before the bill can become law.
o 28% say no for a vote.
o 13% are not sure.
The text of the questions and a summary of results may be found at:
“This poll shows that most of our local elected officials are out of touch with their constituents on this issue. This should be a wake-up call to each of them” said Richard Rowland, co-founder and President Emeritus of the Grassroot Institute. “According to the results, Hawaii’s Congressional delegation has been misleading their fellow Senators and Representatives about Hawaii public opinion on this issue.”
Zogby International previously conducted the State’s 50th Anniversary of Statehood poll in August 2009. Among other findings, that poll revealed that the people of Hawaii were very concerned about economic issues. That concern relates directly to a Grassroot Institute of Hawaii commissioned study that was conducted by the Beacon Hill Institute and released in January 2009. This economic analysis projected a loss of over 20,000 jobs in Hawaii if the Akaka bill were to become law. Under current economic circumstances, the results would likely be worse.
“The Grassroot Institute asks all elected officials to call for a suspension of any and all action to impose a new separate nation into the midst of our State until there are extensive Congressional Hearings within Hawaii that result in a clear understanding by Congress and the State Legislature of the impact of the proposed legislation,” said Jamie Story, the Institute’s President. “This is the least they should do in light of these poll results.”
The Grassroot Institute supports more public discussion, debate and education on the Akaka Bill issue and other policy issues affecting the state. The mission of the Institute is to promote individual liberty, the free market and limited, more accountable government.