Hope or Despair for Hawaii's Ohana?
From Hawaii Family Forum, December 22, 2014
Do you get the sense that we're living in historic times?
Our state and culture are in the midst of a debate that will have a profound impact on future generations - from our keiki to our kupuna.
There are two big questions at stake:
- Are strong families essential for a free society and a thriving economy, or do we just need more and more government programs?
- Do we need to protect and affirm our individual freedoms?
The struggles over life, family and religious freedom will be pivotal in 2015.
Hawaii Family Forum's work throughout the last sixteen years has put us in a key position not to just fight for the causes of life, family and freedom, but to build the coalitions necessary to win.
I grew up in a time when the older generation always had hope that future generations will have more opportunity and a better chance to succeed than they did. Yet Pew Polls show that nearly two-thirds of Americans don't believe this anymore. It seems this powerful aspirational goal, which is at the heart of the American experience, is in danger of being lost.
That's why our focus going forward is to reclaim hope for our culture.
This starts with seeking God's wisdom and provision and includes a bold vision and commitment to foundational principles. When you apply sixteen years of experience, coupled with a firm reliance on God, you always have a chance to do more than most could ask or imagine.
The main thing we need at this point is the financial support to get the job done. We need your support and your year-end contribution to help us reclaim hope for our state. Together, we can ensure that the 'ohana is protected, and freedom is sustained for future generations!
Help today by making your secure online donation here.
Thank you for your prayers and support! The staff and board of Hawaii Family Forum wish you and your family a very blessed and merry Christmas!
Eva Andrade
Executive Director
Hawaii Family Forum