by Andrew Walden
Federal Judge Michael Seabright is ordering the State of Hawaii to grant Second Amendment rights to resident aliens.
Seabright's September 17, 2014 order, in the case of Steve Fotoudis vs City and County of Honolulu, enjoins against Hawaii's current ban on resident aliens owning firearms.
The victorious plaintiff Fotoudis, a competitive target shooter from Australia who is a US resident alien living in Honolulu, was represented by local attorneys Richard Holcomb and Alan Beck.
Seabright's ruling applies only to US resident aliens with a green card not people in the US on a worker's permit or student visa.
PDF: Text of Court Order
NRA-ILA: Hawaii: Federal Court Ruling Overturns Certain Firearm Permit Laws
FOX: Hawaii latest state to have gun restrictions on legal immigrants overturned
Volokh: Permanent resident legal aliens have a Second Amendment right to possess guns
JB: Federal Court Invalidates Hawaii Law That Bars Resident Aliens From Acquiring Firearms under 2nd and 14th Amendments