Applicants Wanted for Attorney Disciplinary Board
News Release from Hawaii Judiciary, April 23, 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii – The Hawaii Supreme Court is seeking applicants for six lawyer and non-lawyer positions on the Disciplinary Board. The Board's duties include overseeing the Office of Disciplinary Counsel which investigates allegations of attorney misconduct and recommends appropriate action to the Hawaii Supreme Court.
The terms will begin on July 1, 2014 and last for three years. The positions are not compensated although travel expenses are reimbursable. Applicants from all islands are being sought.
Qualifications include sound judgment and a willingness and ability to learn the functions and procedures of the Board. The deadline to apply is May 9. 2014. Those interested should submit a letter and resume to the Hawaii Supreme Court, Nominating Committee, c/o Gayle J. Lau, P.O. Box 26436, Honolulu, HI 96825.
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