News Release from Hawaii Independent Party, April 11, 2014
Honolulu – The Hawaii Independent Party (HIP) today unveiled its official logo. The logo depicts the Hawaii State flag with an overlay of the Manu O Ku with a background of two colors that represents the sky and sands of Hawaii.
“The Manu O Ku is significant to our party because we are a home grown party unique to Hawaii just like this magnificent, indigenous bird,” said Party Chair Michelle Del Rosario. She also said that use of the Hawaiian flag represents pride in our state with the sky and sand symbolic of the journey into the future of Hawaii. “It is important to note that unlike other parties, HIP is the only party that has adopted these symbols that are unique to, and only found in Hawaii,” Del Rosario said.
The party also announced that it is now accepting membership applications and that annual party dues will be one dollar. "This is going to be a party of diversity and inclusion where those who are not at the extreme left or right of the political spectrum can come and voice moderate views that they feel will move Hawaii forward," Ms. Del Rosario said. "We aim to be a solution oriented party within Hawaii politics."
The party said that many of the other party platforms represent rigid ideologies that are not compatible with our island culture. But like the Manu O Ku, the Hawaii Independent Party is showing the way to a better form of representative government, one that is answerable to the people it was meant to serve.
Applications for all Hawaii political offices are now available. Those wishing to get an application to run for office or getting involved with the party can do so by contacting the HIP State Executive Committee at votehawaii2014@gmail.com.
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