News Release from DHS
The Department of Human Services (DHS) Med-QUEST Division (MQD) helps low-income adults and children obtain health coverage through managed care plans. On October 1, 2013, in compliance with mandates of the Affordable Care Act, the DHS launched an on-line system that simplifies the application and eligibility determination process.
For the period of March 2 – March 8, 2014
Calls to MQD Call Center 1,923
- On-line 948
- Paper 1,023
- Phone 78
Individuals determined Medicaid Eligible (excludes CHIP)
Determined CHIP Eligible 167
Individuals determined Medicaid Ineligible (excludes CHIP) 2,125
(Applications sent to Hawaii Health Connector for tax incentive and cost-share determinations)
Since October 1, 2013
Calls to MQD Call Center 38,871
- On-line 17,043
- Paper 24,811
- Phone 1,271
Individuals determined Medicaid Eligible (excludes CHIP)
- MAGI 51,964
- Non-MAGI 17,077
Determined CHIP Eligible 3,249
Individuals determined Medicaid Ineligible 24,583
(Applications sent to Hawaii Health Connector for tax incentive and cost-share determinations)
- Calls reflect the number of calls received by the MQD Call Center. (Excludes calls to MQD eligibility units)
- Eligibility determinations are made at the end of each week, and reported the following week. This number does not necessarily reflect to-date enrollment numbers
- Medicaid determinations = MAGI + non-MAGI eligible determinations (Excludes CHIP)
- Total weekly eligible and ineligible count = Medicaid + CHIP
- These figures do not include state funded programs
Coverage not care: Kaiser: 30% of Hawaii Doctors Refuse Medicaid Patients
Background: Asset-Rich People Now Eligible for Hawaii Medicaid