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Full Text: Office of Information Management Report to Legislature
By News Release @ 5:21 PM :: 4191 Views :: Hawaii State Government
OIMT Delivers 2013 Report to Legislature
From Transform Hawaii Government January, 2014
The Office of Information Management and Technology recently provided its annual update on the information technology strategic plan to the legislature. The twelve-page report offered a concise overview of OIMT’s progress in addressing the state’s primary challenges, prioritized its opportunities and detailed its major milestones and deliverables for FY 2013.
The following are some key takeaways from the 2013 Report. Read the entire report here.
The State CIO has created three guiding strategies to transform IT for the state and deliver increased IT value to all branches of the government, the citizens of Hawaii and third-party partners such as local businesses.
State CIO Summarizes Progress to Date on Transformation Movement
The following summary is taken verbatim from Sonny’s new blog on the OIMT website.
Phase 1 Complete (FY 2012) The transformation of Hawaii began in July 2011 with a grand powerful vision by our Governor with HCF support of $3 million and hiring of 7 Staff (including a CIO). Our first-ever Baseline Assessment, Benchmarking Reports were published in 2011, completing Phase 1.
Phase 2 Complete (FY 2013) A comprehensive Business and IT/IRM Transformation Plan was published in 2012 completing Phase 2 within one year.This plan laid out the goal architecture and bridged the gap with a detailed implementation plan and won a national award and was the only state recognized in 2013! Three Strategies were articulated: Transform the Business; Modernize the Technology; and Improve Transparency and Accountability (Governance). These would be implemented through Top 10 Enterprise Programs. We secured $25 million in Supplemental funding for Phase 2, $95 million in funding for Phase 3 & base operations funds for ICSD.
Phase 3A On Schedule (FY 2014) We are in Phase 3A (or the first of five Implementation biennial Phases) with Top 10 Enterprise Programs across the three strategies. We are ahead of schedule in our accomplishments in all three strategies and Top 10 programs. More details to follow by the end of this Fiscal Year on our website – http://oimt.hawaii.gov. Phase 3B starts in FY 2015!
Areas Where the Transformation Effort Fell Short in 2013
While the State of Hawaii’s business and information technology transformation is making progress, the coalition has identified three areas in which state government and OIMT fell short in 2013:
- Staffing of Key Positions -
Due to budget cuts, salary restrictions and a temporary hiring freeze, numerous key positions were either reduced or under-funded last year; and, some administrative positions, while budgeted, remain vacant. For example, the Administrative Services Officer (ASO) position was approved on July 1, 2013, but has yet to be filled, delaying the hiring of the office's support team.
Implementation of the myriad programs associated with the state transformation effort has understandably consumed much of OIMT’s time and effort. However, given the state’s ongoing challenges of funding and staff reductions, filling allocated positions requires a greater sense of urgency as every open position, both technical and administrative, is crucial to the success of future projects.
- Publishing Public Dashboard - A publicly accessible dashboard that provides the latest status of specific transformation projects will enable increased transparency and accountability. The goal to publish an online dashboard in 2013 is delayed, affecting the public’s ability to track progress made by OIMT and others within the state.
A dashboard representing Governor Abercrombie’s “A New Day in Hawaii" plan is being developed with a component dedicated to OIMT and the transformation. While an internal version of the dashboard has circulated, no further updates, including a launch date, have been released.
- Timely Issuing of Requests for Proposals -
The state has done extensive work preparing and developing requirements for requests for proposals (RFPs) on various transformation projects. The work on these RFPs, such as the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Tax System Modernization RFPs, while thorough and extensive, met delays as state agencies worked to integrate their views and feedback into each document.
The ERP RFP was released in September and responses are currently being evaluated. The Tax System Modernization RFP is expected to be released this year.
The RFP development, review and approval process can be less cumbersome. OIMT has strived to improve the process by developing common templates with pre-approved RFP terms and conditions, securing additional support for RFP development, and supporting the use of technology to streamline the process. OIMT continues to work with the new Chief Procurement Officer to explore improvements to the process.