1000 Good Reasons to Label GMO Food: A Guide for Politicians
From Hawaii Farmers Daughter, December 17, 2017
You really should be contacting your legislator now to demand that GMO foods be labeled! Listed are some reasons that you can include in your letter to prove your points also. Feel free to use it.
1) Monsanto owns everything and anything, including the sky. You’ve heard it from your aunty and your uncle and your brother’s friend’s sister that Monsanto owns the whole world. Yes, the seed companies don’t even make the top 25 biotech companies in the world but you still believe everything that is told to you. And because of it, you think they control everything including the weather with their purchase of the Climate Corporation. When one person tells you that the skies are filled with chemtrails, you trust them and believe them. That also explains why there is always rain predicted on your anti-GMO marches.

2) Natural News told you that you will get cancer from it. Natural News also suggested that you to rub urushiol oil as the ultimate sunscreen to protect yourself from skin cancer.

3) The last issue of the Hawaiian Electric Company’s Green Hawaii Magazine stated that you must cook chemical free. GMOs all have chemicals in it. You don’t quite know which ones and don’t even realize that you yourself are made up of chemicals either.

5) The Babes Against Biotech show folks that less clothes means more expertise in what is natural food. That includes silicone and some botox tucked in the right places. When they tell you to demand a label, you can trust a woman in a bikini.
6) You can trust a bus driver grandma who is a self professed expert on GMOs that you need that label. When someone reads the latest things off of the internet, you can bet that it is true without a doubt.

7) GMO Free Kauai has a very long and thorough list of scientists to prove that GMOs are dangerous. That list includes world renown scientists like Dr. Dennis Poopy, Organic Eater, Dr. Ye Hua with 20K piece of art in China.

8) When a holier than thou art food store tells you to demand a label, you should. Forget the fact that the more they advertise their GMO free foods they profit nicely also. Fuel the fear and you will get more people to buy into your scheme and demand that label!

9) Hawaii wants papayas from Mexico, Thailand, and Brazil instead of local. Keep demanding that label so Hawaiian papayas are shunned by customers. That’s the goal of Hawaii SEED is to kill off just a few more farmers.

10) Roseanne Barr told you that GMO are bad and that Hawaiians support crop destruction.

11) A wealthy bunch of transplant lawyers from Earthjustice told you to speak up but don’t be rude when you make demands. They can easily afford organic food for their families but you’ll have to wait until you get that label to make it affordable. They have to keep getting in environmental lawsuits against the state so that they can collect on their court costs to keep them buying organic. And these same lawyers quickly turn around and eat GMO food with anti-GMO county council members too right after telling others that it is dangerous.

12) You can become allergic to any and every antibiotic there is on earth from eating GMO food. If this man says its true, then by golly goodness it sure is! Forget the fact that we’ve been modifying genetics in food for thousands of years, DNA has antibiotics and chemicals that will trigger immunosuppression in your shikimate pathway and cause symbiotic endotropy escalation. Yes, it is that bad.

13) There is thalidomide in transgenic papayas and you must demand a label for it because Terez Amato says so.

14) GMO Free Mom also knows that transgenic papayas need labels because it contains Bt in it.

15) Sol Kahn believes that if people disagree with him at the farmers’ markets then he has a right to that label as well as a right to say bad things about him on the social media.

16) Jessica Mitchell of the Babes Against Biotech believes that her organized thinking and expertise in chemicals and plants support her claim to a label.

17) Twitter user CILoveU can’t believe that the sun can alter DNA and as a result of watching “Seeds of Death,” she has a right to know what she thinks she knows.

18) Apa Romano knows that there is an alteration in one’s body fauna when she consumes GMO and needs a label to know it. Now what is body fauna?

19) If Tulsi Gabbard associates with the Babes Against Biotech then you know that she is getting expert advice. She can even tell what groups are shills and will tell her constituents also. She’s also part conspiracy theorist too and believes in the Monsanto Protection Act.

20) Consumers need a label because it is all about transparency and obeying the law and doing what is right. These leader stands up for what is pono, including death threats to the mayor.

21) Jessica Mitchell doesn’t need a science class to know anything which is why she demands a label of her food. She might not be able to know what all the ingredients are but she has to have that label! Please don’t tell her that organic foods do indeed use pesticides!

22) Sol Kahn has been telling many residents that if you live by a seed farm, you’re living by poison. Home values are going down and he can’t figure out his relationship to why it’s happening. Label it, disclose it, whatever.

23) Celeste Harvel demands that GE food be labeled and she wants farmer’s crops to be chopped down too. She also nicely articulates her point of what’s wrong with it and shows her expertise in her comments.

24) Lori Wilson Patch believes that this issue should be one where we must sit down and pray for people because her religion has told her so. You can be sure that god is asking her to pray for this evil called GMO.

25) Carolyn Fay Spector thinks that she needs to put a wanted poster for Dr. Brewbaker since he donated a million dollars to help CTAHR. You can bet she will be front and center asking for a label.

26) Merci Ritte doesn’t realize that we are made up of chemicals but believes that there are indeed chemicals being grown. She has a right to know these chemicals!

27) Sherrie Moore demands a right to know and will openly boycott local farmers who speak out for biotech. She deserves to to have her food labeled but truly wants her food GMO free.

28) Karen Chun knows that GMO papayas didn’t save the industry because she doesn’t grow it or even own a farm. She has no clue that her talking bad about papayas is the real reason why people don’t accept biotech food. She right there front and center demanding her right to know what she’s eating!

29) Dustin Barca feels that anyone who speaks against Ohana O Kauai must be committing a crime against humanity. That’s why he has to have his food labeled.

30) Nomi Carmona of the Babes Against Biotech can’t imagine that anyone would speak up against activists and will encourage others to block such attempts. You can be sure that she’ll be visiting legislators and demand that she needs her food labeled.

32) Sky Wittenbach does know his genetics and how to sort fantasy from fiction. When he talks, you should listen to his expertise.

31 and beyond) Some of the best reasons to create a law to label GE foods is because these constituents that are asking you for it REALLY LOVE THEIR FARMERS. Just read below for what they have told farmers…

So politicians of Hawaii, are you going to listen to these people demanding a label and more regulations on farmers? Your loud constituents are really helping all farmers and doing our islands a huge favor. Thank you for listening to them and not listening to the farmers.
Rep. Jessica Wooley stated that she would like GE food labeled and would support an education campaign. How do you plan on educating these folks Rep. Wooley, when you yourself make up stuff by stating there is no regulations around it and bungle up the GMO is the same as pesticide issue?
We appreciate all the support we get from the leaders of our islands as we work on our farms. The future generations are very secure in knowing that you’re supporting them. Or are they really?
***All comments listed have been publicly posted on the social media. You said it and you should be held accountable for what you say.***