(The Energy Excelerator recently received $30 million from the US Navy to help fund ‘clean’ tech start-ups.)
News Release from Hawaii State Energy office September 6, 2013
The Energy Excelerator is a startup program dedicated to helping solve the world’s energy problems, starting in Hawaii. Hawaii has the best economic conditions for launching a clean energy company on the planet. We would like to invite to you apply for up to $1M of non-dilutive funding (translation 'cash') to bring your energy solution to Hawaii and the Asia Pacific.
Here’s how it works:
1. Apply today until September 27 at hawaiirenewable.com
2. Begin with a full-immersion week in Hawaii to kick off a 6-month program for seed-stage startups and a 12-month program for growth-stage startups. You do not have to relocate to Honolulu, but you will spend 2 to 6 weeks in Hawaii over the course of the program.
3. Non-dilutive funding up to $1M cost-reimbursable grants to growth-stage companies for projects in Hawaii or the Asia Pacific and $30K to $100K in fixed-price grants to seed-stage startups to develop and execute their go-to-market strategies.
4. Work with a core group of experienced mentors to refine and execute your go-to-market strategy.
To find out more check out the applicant package and visit our website, hawaiirenewable.com. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions: energy@pichtr.org or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
We know energy innovation requires an entire community and we would love for you to be a part of ours.
The Energy Excelerator team
The Energy Excelerator is a startup program dedicated to solving the world's energy problems starting in Hawaii. We help innovative companies succeed in Hawaii and the Asia-Pacific region with non-dilutive funding, strategic relationships, and a vibrant ecosystem. The Energy Excelerator is a program of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR).
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BONUS: List of cash Beneficiaries (includes Sopogy, natch)
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