Urban Honolulu, HI
- #1 Highest Avg Rent in USA: Urban Honolulu, HI $2,514/mo
- % Cost burdened Renters 56.6%
2023's Most Expensive Metro Areas for Renters - Lawn Love Ranking
from LawnLove.com
Where might renters pay the most on their next move?
With rent being the largest contributor to inflation over the past year, Lawn Love ranked 2023’s Most Expensive Metro Areas for Renters.
We compared 172 of the biggest U.S. metros based on three categories. We looked at average rent prices, year-over-year rent changes, and the share of renters spending over 30% of their income on rent and utilities, among nine total metrics.
Compare options with help from our ranking below. To learn how we ranked the cities, see our methodology.
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