2021 Special Election Results
From Honolulu Republican Party, November 20, 2021
Today members of the State Committee met to elect a new State Chair to replace resigned State Chair Signe Godfrey and to fulfill the remainder of her term.
On the first vote with three candidates and 59 voting members present, Lynn Finnegan with 33 votes, was elected as the new State Chair. Vote totals are as follow, Lynn Finnegan 33, Jose Uson 12, Gil Logan 8, and 6 abstain votes.
Mahalo to Gil Logan and Jose Uson Jr. for putting your hat in the ring for consideration.
I want to thank the members of the Special Elections Committee for their hard work in developing the zoom meeting guidance and Standing Rules for this special election. Mahalo to Tamara McKay (Chair & MCRP), Mele Songsong (Secretary), Celyn Chong Kee, Dalene McCormick (WHCRP), Peter Finnegan, Charlotte Rosecrans, Shyla Moon (KRP), Holly Osborn (EHRP), and Anna Odom (OahuGOP) for a job well done.
I want to also thank all Oahu District Chairs that attended, you each represented your districts superbly. It's now time to get to work and elect Republicans in 2022!
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Aloha Fellow Republican Party Members, Nov 22, 2021
Over the weekend, the executive committee convened a special election to fill the vacant seat of State Chair of the Hawaii Republican Party.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for being elected and entrusted with the State Chair position that comes with considerable responsibility. An important role, not only to the party, but to the overarching alternative voice desperately needed to fight against the dictatorial Democratic leadership destroying our state. Together, I know we can build that voice that stands for Hawaii.
My first priority as Chair is to help gear up for our Victory 2022 campaign by getting boots on the ground to fulfill our mission of getting Republicans elected. We have a huge opportunity as all 76 state legislative seats will be up for grabs. But to win seats, we need your help. Please sign up to volunteer at this link: Hawaii Republican Party.
Opportunities are also opening up to get our conservative message out. I was interviewed this morning on the Rick Hamada show and plan to be on the Mike Buck show tomorrow at 5:00 PM tomorrow. Please tune in. If you missed today’s interview, please listen here: Rick Hamada Interview
Communication and messaging will be a driving factor to our success, we cannot continue to let the Democrats control the narrative. If you are interested in joining our communications team, please sign up here: Hawaii Republican Party.
It’s easy to feel discouraged by the challenges we are facing and by the current state of our government, but we cannot give up. There is hope, and I believe we can come together to defeat the democrats and preserve the values we hold so dear.
Many thanks to all of our committee and caucus members who participated in our meeting on Saturday and to the volunteers who have been working tirelessly to help move us forward. We have a lot of work to do, but with God’s grace and your steadfast commitment, we shall persevere.
Mahalo nui,
Lynn Finnegan
Hawaii Republican Party
CB: Hawaii GOP Elects New Party Chair, Again